Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fibromyalgia More Condition_symptoms Fibromyalgia, Diagnosed Today..wanting 2 Know More About It, How Many Ppl Has It, What Symptoms Do U Have?

Fibromyalgia, diagnosed today..wanting 2 know more about it, how many ppl has it, what symptoms do u have? - fibromyalgia more condition_symptoms

There, 16 have been positive trigger points 18 .... I have constant pain, and I wonder if anyone has it, what you do, how to handle it, and what can be done to limit missiles? I was about 9 eruptions in the last year, but the pain almost daily for a year ...... PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!
Thank you .....


holmesla... said...

I have no fibrosis () as I know, but suffer from chronic pain. You can try the therapy threshold (with a physiotherapist or) threapist massage trigger points. Injections into trigger points can also help reduce pain. Currently I am on 300 milligrams of Ultram (tramadol) is to change how your body feels the pain. That has my doctor prescribed her Firbas patients. I'm sure there are other drugs on the market.

I've heard that can prevent outbreaks before the diet and exercise. I know it's difficult when you suffer, but the best that I can. Good luck!

SexyArmy... said...

My mother was diagnosed with it about 10 years ago, and he was, oh, your mind, no pain, you have fibromyalgia. Management of pain and the diagnosis is now faster and better. It would be in constant pain for weeks. She was on percoset for about 6 months, he had a herniated disc in his back, so it is essential to oxycodone. There are many ongoing studies on a regular basis, I suggest you call your local television stations and ask if there are groups in the region. There are literally tons of people with this, and nothing to fear going out of his head or how to feel.

I remember my mother for hours, rubbing her back, legs, etc. .. because she was crying in pain. I have, but I know what people go through love and best wishes.

Dubleen said...

Do you see a therapist physicla quickly in modulating pain, trigger points are specialized. Do not worry, if U feel too much pain, can u have a high pain threshold.

Dubleen said...

Do you see a therapist physicla quickly in modulating pain, trigger points are specialized. Do not worry, if U feel too much pain, can u have a high pain threshold.

Dubleen said...

Do you see a therapist physicla quickly in modulating pain, trigger points are specialized. Do not worry, if U feel too much pain, can u have a high pain threshold.

abuelama... said...

I was told I had fibro for years at least 11 years ...... There are about nine months has taken over the blood work and said I had arthritis. They gave me a new medication that I have my life again ... I did not allow 18 points and bed.twelve months was a real high level of anti-pain pills to take .... Since I was young, my legs hurt, I think we still have arthritis, but never appeared in my blood work .... What I learned is that the health of people take different, just to see what works for you. Sometimes massage helps
For some, it hurts more secure
Omega, but it seems for most jobs. some movement and laughter ..... A laugh eveyday one days away from the pain in a way .... What Fibro ..... Very good friends and family ...

abuelama... said...

I was told I had fibro for years at least 11 years ...... There are about nine months has taken over the blood work and said I had arthritis. They gave me a new medication that I have my life again ... I did not allow 18 points and bed.twelve months was a real high level of anti-pain pills to take .... Since I was young, my legs hurt, I think we still have arthritis, but never appeared in my blood work .... What I learned is that the health of people take different, just to see what works for you. Sometimes massage helps
For some, it hurts more secure
Omega, but it seems for most jobs. some movement and laughter ..... A laugh eveyday one days away from the pain in a way .... What Fibro ..... Very good friends and family ...

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